(Resent) Governmental Agencies, Galway Job announcements, Issue #38
Hello all,
(resending with link to Governmental Resources that works!)
Welcome to edition 38 of Galway Job Connector, my free newsletter packed with tips, insights and opportunities to find a job in Galway!
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Learn more about me ,follow me on Facebook and on Twitter. Archive is here
I was publishing the newsletter weekly, and decided not to publish the last two weeks as there wasn’t much to tell. Next Newsletter will be end of July - I’ll be moving a lot of the resources to the web as realize the newsletter is getting wayyyyy too long.
We are now progressing to stage 3 of easing the COVID-19 restrictions, and as as from tomorrow all shops/restaurants/hotels are reopening, including hairdressers and we can travel anywhere within Ireland! I can’t wait to get my haircut on the 4th of July!
Governmental Agencies
Check out a high level overview of Governmental Agencies that you will come across as you may go through the cycle of unemployment and re employment in Ireland.
Click here with the list I came up with! Let me know if I forgot some, it’s really work in progress.
Galway Jobs I came across
Check out this new Job board I discovered
There is pick up of jobs advertised on Facebook, check out my video on how to find those jobs on your PC or on Mobile
Check out my previous newsletter on finding jobs on Twitter
Cityswift has 10+ open vacancies, some of them have a flexible working location
Natus in Gort has various vacancies, also here some have flexiblity on worklocation
A number of jobs at Galway County Council
As always, check the weekly GRD Jobs bulletin for jobs advertised in local newspapers, search engines and courses to upskill and much more
Galway City Partnership is looking for an Administrator
Press Articles/Media
Forge Works opening in Gort Soon
Remote working is on the rise, and excited to see there will be a Co-working Space/Enterprise hub Opening soon in Gort, Co Galway. Check out the video to show how the space will be COVID-19 proofed! The next generation co-working space! Find out more here or email laura@burrenlowlands.org
South Africa’s Triggerfish announces 60 animation jobs for Galway
The South African animation studio has announced plans to open its first international base in Galway, rolling out 60 new positions over the next three years. Triggerfish, a South African animation company, will open its first international studio in Galway, bringing 60 new jobs to the region.
www.siliconrepublic.com • Share
Gateway Shopping Park - New stores opening at Gateway Retail Park | Facebook
NEW STORES COMING UP!! 🥳 From spring 2020 new shops will be opening their doors at #GatewayRetailPark ( located in Knocknacarra) New Boots opened 26th of June, many more to follow
Other Resources
Check out the weekly Job bulletins, published on a Thursday by Galway Rural Development This is a unique resource to get an overview of jobs advertised in local papers, some online jobs, combined with information about CE schemes and training opportunities. Subscribe at the bottom of their page
Growremote & remote job board & all about remote jobs in Ireland!
https://www.covidresponsejobs.com/ Subscribe to their newsletter and get jobs delivered to your inbox( check your spam folder!)
https://hbsrecruitmentservices.ie/ - still open to register with Help the HSE/ Register your interest (mostly unpaid, some paid)
https://www.volunteer.ie/about-us/covid-19/ To register to volunteer in your community
https://www.activelink.ie/vacancies Volunteer/paid jobs in the social sector - (get jobs delivered to your inbox, subscribe to their weekly E-Bulletin)
Best website to check for jobs advertised in shop windows in restaurants, shops, hotels in Galway City is
job section of the Galway Advertiser
jobs on Stateboards.ie
jobs on publicjobs.ie
Electronic Arts Jobs - relocation offered in some cases
Some jobs are not specific to Galway, and can be done from anywhere in Ireland. Shopify, Ebay, Amazon, Hubspot, Apple , Wayfair are all hiring remotely. This list however only scratches the surface. Best to visit the jobboard from Growremote who have their finger on the pulse on remote jobs in Ireland and also offer guidance and support on finding a remote jobs, courses and much more!
If you made it this far, thank you for reading my 38th Newsletter! Give me the thumbs up or down, so I know if you find this edition interesting or drop me an email
Greetings from rainy and blustery Galway, oh I miss the nice weather!
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Belfield House, Skehanagh, Peterswell, Co. Galway H91 EF9N